Our Trap-Neuter-Return Program

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a humane approach at managing the population of stray, feral, and un-owned community cats through trapping them for sterilization, vaccinations, ear tipping, and returning them to their colony. This allows community cats the opportunity to thrive while living in their known neighborhood and colony: protected from viral and infectious diseases, and no longer procreating.

Our TNR program exists for community cats in Wilmington, CA 90744.

We do not relocate community cats.

Each community cat enrolled into our TNR program will be:

  • Spayed/neutered

  • Vaccinated against FVRCP and rabies

  • Treated for fleas (monthly dose)

  • Ear-tipped

  • Dewormed (as needed)

  • Microchipped (as requested)

  • Minor injuries are treated while cat is under anesthesia for their spay/neuter surgery.

    Additional medical care can be provided on a case by case basis.

NOTE: After submitting your TNR request, we will follow up via e-mail. Please expect a response within 24-72 hours with an update.

Meet some of our TNR Graduates!